It was around Tilly,s first birthday we found out about BIBIC (British institute for brain injured children). Although Tilly wasnt brain damaged in anyway she still fell under the children they treated,  I was getting very disheartened with the Downs group , As they kept  telling me Tilly was lazy as she slept through every meeting but most babies after lunch and a 15 minute car journey sleep.

Tilly was clapping and laughing crawling sitting and chatting, people seemed to  keep wanting to touch her  saying those same words” oh my dear they are so loving “, EXCUSE me this is a little person she does have  bad moods you know.

We begged borrowed fund raised money to go to BIBIC for a weeks treatment.In the end a mystery firm paid for 18 months treatment. This is hands of therapy they taught us exercises to do with Tilly . They gave us hope, They gave us a positive outlook, They made us believe our child would  be able to walk talk . The first thing they did was place Tilly on soya milk overnight her mucus went she could breath silently. The difference in her was amazing she  lost her pale skin tone and looked pink her eyes  were bright. We were also given  a taste box this was strong flavors like curry, and chillie  to stimulate her taste buds. A touchy feely box lots of shredded paper with things like stones and material with different textures in them. Tilly was to play with this everyday.

We were shown exercises on how to stimulate her muscles and co-ordinate them , nutrition advice

We came away feeling  positive for the first time since she was born

We returned to BIBIC every 6 mths yes it cost us  ALOT of money but believe me it was worth every  debt I run up and i am still paying for.

It was worth it because just before her third birthday Tilly walked unaided into the consultant room of the pediatrician whom had told us our daughter would never walk, that she would never achieve anything that she would be a burden to our family and boy was he surprised , the look on his face was priceless

It was at BIBIC that i saw this poem on the wall

A meeting was held, quite far from earth
“It’s time again for another birth”
Said the Angels to the Lord above,
“This special child will need much love”

Her progress may seem very slow,
Accomplishments she may not show
And she’ll require extra care
From all the folks she meets down there.

She may not run or laugh or play
Her thoughts may seem quite far away
In many ways she won’t adapt,
And she’ll be known as handicapped.

So let’s be careful where she’s sent
We want her life to be content
Please, Lord, find the right parents who
Will do this special job for You.

They will not realize right away
The leading role they’re asked to play
But with this child sent from above
Comes stronger faith and richer love.

And soon they’ll know the privilege given
In caring for this gift from Heaven.
Their precious charge, so meek and mild
Is heaven’s very special child.

I had this written out framed and placed in our hall way at home, we are not special, our daughter is not an angel, But I do feel God gave her to me because he knew I wouldn’t give in and wouldn’t sit back and let her down .

We wanted to say Thank you

BIBIC Tilly aged almost 15 months still in fist stage car seat

Picture of Tilly 199 used to raise funds in the 2004 London Marathon

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